Thursday, October 14, 2010

Women's Basketball: Oly Larkin

Hello to all!!

My name is Olivia Larkin, but I am going to put you on to a little secret, you can just called me OLY (O-LEE). There, now we are friends. Whew glad to get that out of the way. I am a senior on the women's basketball team here at Sonoma State. It's sad to say that I am the lone ranger when it comes to being a senior on this team, but by all means I don't feel alone at all, I've got my girls. On the other hand, I don't mind the spotlight that comes with being one! Well I guess I can start off by telling you this is my first time blogging anything and in saying that I was nervous to even get started. I mean, are people really going to read what I write?...Welp, I got you didn't I?!

I decided to start blogging on this very day because tonight is our traditional Midnight Madness, a pep rally to kickoff the 2010-2011 basketball season and the rest of the fall sports here on campus. I am a member of SAAC (Student-Athlete Advisory Committee) and have been extremely invovled in tonight's preparation for this event. Ultimately, we are doing this event for our athletes. Together, our athletes are the biggest, most influential club on campus and we would like to show them our appreciation and support. I am anticipating a great turnout. For a sneak peak, our heart-throbbing Auzzi's from the men's basketball team are going to be our MC's for the night. Oh, how I wonder what they are going to wear... Probably spiffy suits with gator boots? Who knows but one thing is for sure, they are going to dress to impress. There is a dunk contest, too, in which I am sad to tell you I won't be doing this year, tough to hear I know. That's all I can say for now, you'll have to read my next blog in order to get the details. (** hint hint, I am trying to create a fan base here people so tune in!)

Now on to something involving our team specifically. Tomorrow marks our FIRST OFFICIAL PRACTICE OF THE SEASON! It's finally here people!! Lace up the hyperdunks and roll the basketballs out, it's BASKETBALL TIME BABY (in a Dick Vitale voice)! I can't tell you how excited I am for this basketball season to get underway. Our team had a excellent preseason. We constantly creating good habits (hobbits for those on the team) followed by positive attitudes. The dynamic of our team has changed durastically. We have added eight new players to our already eight returning roster, three of which are JC transfers. Our talented group of five freshmen have tremendous potential to make an positive impact for this team. Being that this is my last year playing collegiate basketball, I know understand what the seniors before me meant when they said, "cherish it while it lasts, because there is a world outside of basketball that isn't so forgiving." I really feel like I can cherish this year, I am no longer "wide-eyed and bushy tailed" as what my coach used to say to me when I was a freshman, trying to figure out where I fitted in. I am aware of what's going on, I am in control. I think this team has helped me with that. This past six weeks of training, we have gotten after it, worked it, ran it, lifted it, pushed it to our limits and now the time is here, what we all been waiting for. All this work has to pay off, mind you that it might not be immediate but the harder we work, the luckier we get. Its funny how things work out that way.

Well, don't tell my coach this but I am writing this in study hall (just the last 15 minutes though) so I probably need to open up a book or something. Adios until next time! And there will be a next time so help me out here and read my blogs! Leave comments , opinions, likes, or what ever. Thanks for hearing me out!



Anonymous said...

Hey Oly -THE SENIOR: I, for one, am reading your blog & it's awesome, gurl! And so are you! So, blog-on "O" - I am waiting anxiously. BTW, you were not kidding about the changes within the women's basketball team. During last Saturday's game against the alumni, you could feel the team camaraderie & rapport as if it were tangible. And the talent, the drive & the strength? All I can say is I am SO excited for this season!
What about last Saturday night? Was that fun or what? So, forget homework - get to blogging would-ya please! JK!
I love you, Oly - THE SENIOR!
(if ur wondering who this is, I'll give you a hint: I make the Lotion-Potion!)

Anonymous said...

Thought you were the cutest looking girl on the team!