In SAAC, we have one of our projects underway which is gathering people to joining the "SSU BLUE CREW", which is our attempt at creating a rally crew, if you will, filled with spirited people in support of athletics. We have made shirts and are asking for an $8 donation to Breast Cancer Awareness, Make A Wish Foundation, and the Boys & Girls Club of Sonoma County in exchange along with specialized seating at all sporting events. We are hoping this promotes more support school wide for athletics and we get more people out and attending these games.
As far as softball is concerned, things have not stopped or slowed down in the slightest bit. We started getting into goal setting, which is a big focus for our team, and individually, so we can really track our growth and focus on achieving something attainable. You focus on a long term goal, then your short term goal pertains to how you will achieve that goal, and then your operational goal is each step you will take in order to conduct your short term goal. My goals consist of one defensive, which I have made in order to improve my blocking. Offensively, my focus is staying linear to the ball, and my last goal is managing my stress of classes, softball, SAAC, graduating, life after graduating, etc. This weekend, we play William Jessup in a double header this Saturday which will be nice to get some live competition in and really enjoy the few games we get to squeeze in this fall.
School is going, with two successful Psychology and Media Law midterms under my belt, it's time to prepare for the next one this upcoming Tuesday. The PR/Ad team I was apart of in a trial run this semester is not working out as anyone had planned, so I guess I'll begin writing for the Sports section in the schools paper from here on out. I have no experience in writing for a publication, but I'm sure I'll find a way to get myself adjusted to this new avenue of writing. Lastly, my goals for this week are to file for graduation which is still unreal to me and meet with my advisor to choose my final classes of my college career here at Sonoma.
In case any of you were wondering I am 100% frustrated with the performance of my boys, the New York Yankees in this post season right now. If the offense doesn't improve and our bullpen can give up less bombs, we'll make it out of this series by the skin of our teeth. But, until that time, we're gonna have a hell of a time competing with the Rangers, who seem to be everyone's favorite team now that the post season has arrived, them and the Giants....sheeesh. I'm still hopeful so now it's time to cease the typing and let the biting my finger nails continue in hopes of a Yankee win at home tonight. Go Yanks!
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