Monday, October 13, 2008

The Bailey Blog: Two W's Sure Feel Nice

Hi there again. You know, it has been too long since the last time Sonoma ended a weekend with two W’s. In fact, I couldn’t even remember the last time that it happened. This was a big weekend for us, because this is the time of the season you want to start gearing up for the post season and we needed to start taking care of business if we are going to get there. We have essentially used up our “oops” card, and need to go on a little run if we are going to do anything this season. This weekend was a great start to doing just that.

First off, this weekend was the type of 'D' we are going to need to play if we are going anywhere. Shutouts are like pouring gas on a fire...they just make it way better. So the D needs to get the props they deserve before we talk about anything else.

On Friday we showed up, and I don’t think it mattered who we played because it was going to be unfortunate for anyone who set foot in our house on that day. We wanted to wash the bitter taste out of our mouths from the Dominguez game, and what better way to do that than beating a team five nothing, and scoring two goal in the first ten minutes. Even though we scored five goals, what was refreshing was the defensive work that the team displayed. From moment one we were up to the task, and boy did we look good doing it. We truly were beauty and the beast on this day, making all the great stops on defense, and showing a little flair while we scored.

Ross probably wishes that he could have been in the movie Groundhog Day, living this one over and over again, and rightly so. He was on fire, four goals, on four shots, and worked his butt off and deserved every single on of them. The first goal was created by good pressure, and Cam found Ross isolated near the top of the box, chipping a ball into space, which Ross collected and then neatly placed in the top corner of the goal, a rather nice way to start the day. Ross would again find the back of the net, when Jack sent a long ball over the top to Ross, who spun his defender near the top of the box, collected the ball past the keeper, and put it home. When are people going to realize that you can’t just have one guy defend him? He is just on fire.

The second half the game was definitely more open, and Ross would tack on number three about twenty minutes into the second half. I received the ball at midfield and couldn’t feel any pressure on me. When I looked up it was like SFO, they were flagging me down the middle of their D and so I obliged them and went there. When a defender finally committed to me I only had to slot the ball off to Ross who one timed it home. About ten minutes later Ross would find number four when Cam brought the ball up the right side, I made a run through, and Cam found me with a beautiful ball. I chest trapped the ball off to Ross who would finish again, and I am pretty sure if I had left my dinner out Ross would have finished it too. Davide finished the day off for us off a ball from Wiedeman, and nothing tasted better.

Sunday was a game that we knew was going to be a tough one. Pomona always plays us tough. Last year we squeaked out of their place with a two to one win. Two years ago we won in overtime, the year before we tied, and the year before that we won in overtime. So we knew we were going to have ourselves an old fashion slobber knocker, and it was time to get stuck in. We controlled most of the play, we hit the post several times, and it looked like it might be one of those days where we might not hit water if we fell out of a boat, but not so. Late in the second half, I received a ball and faked a pass to the middle, looking up I found a seam in their D and slotted it to Cam, who was off to the races, playing the ball across the box. Ross was unable to get on the end of it, and just like Nate always does, hefound himself in the perfect place, and punched it home for us. I thought that the flood gates might open for us, but one was all we would get or need.

Two wins, ahhh it is nice to feel that for the first time in a long time. Well until next time, this is Bailey, love you Mom and Dad. I am out!

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