Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Taylor Vigil: "Believe In We"

Hello fans, athletes, coaches and all other supporting peers!

It is with great pleasure to be writing to all of you here today.  Another summer has gone by in the blink of an eye and now it is time to get everything packed up and ready to move and start anew 2012-2013 season.  With returning athletes, as well as new editions to each team, I know without a doubt the women’s basketball team is enthralled to tackle a new year together.

Briefly flashing back on my past here at Sonoma State, I realized, or I thought I realized what it truly meant to live each day on and off the court like it was your last; with no regrets and no wasted energy.  Hearing my fellow seniors every year say, “Play like this is your last practice and your last game because one day it will end and you do not want to have any regrets.”  After hearing this by many senior classes and coaches, I tried from the first day to do just that.  Yet, there is a difference.  A difference between hearing something and trying to do it, versus listening and not just feeling it within, but doing it with your actions.  Today I am here to tell you that despite my years, I tried to live and play each day like it was my last time on the court.  I realized now it is a different feeling because as a senior stepping into the new year, myself along with my three other fellow senior teammates- we only have one year to really make it count and truly play each day like it is our last because like any other season it ends.

Like any other team; however, this is not just about the women’s basketball team, but I speak to all teams when I say, “Believe in We.”  After all, every athlete and every team here is in search of a common vision, or goal if you will.  “Believe in We” is the women’s basketball teams newest motto for the year and like you- we have a vision to not just be successful by getting better but be successful and also make an impact holding a better winning record than what we have in the past.  For every senior out there, for every teammate, for every coach, and hey- for every fan as well, make a statement to them and hold that statement as a promise to yourself to always believe in ’we’ and truly live your life on and off the court, field, etc., like it was your last.  With no regrets, no shame, no blame, no confliction and no doubts but with conviction, determination, heart and pride, and of course- love of the game.

Always take note that despite our high spirits to get the year started- remember that teams and people work well together when things are going well, but it is when endeavors take place or trials occur that make or break a team.  It is always easy to get by when successful things take place for your team, but what will you do when adversity strikes?  I challenge all athletes and all people (coaches, staff and fans) to vouch to not just celebrate success or joyous moments, but celebrate adversity that you will face in the near future at some point and use those adversities as stepping stones to a better place.  Use them as life lessons to make you a better player and a better person on and off your playing ground.  Without failure there would not be any triumphs.  This year brings new chances, new opportunities and new faces; cherish them, take them and enjoy them.

I wish all athletes and supporting fans, coaches and staff a successful year and the best of luck to every individual.  Make this year count regardless of what you do or who you are- make it count.  It is not what you do, but how you do what you do.  Remember to go support and watch all athletes in the upcoming year.  Go online and check out game schedules.

To wrap up the blog, here is a closing quote that is one of my personal favorites:

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.  Watch your words, for they become actions.  Watch your actions, for they become habits.  Watch your habits, for they become character.  Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Take care and look forward to much success for all teams and supporting coaches, staff and fans!

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