Friday, November 19, 2010

Oly Larkin: COMPETE

I guess this blog couldn't come at more of a bittersweet time. I know it has been awhile since my first blog in which I was excited about our Midnight Madness event. Well, it might be too late to tell you that it was a complete success. We successfully filled the west wing of our gym with our student body, greeks, jocks, freshmen in all. I really enjoyed myself at the event and it was really motivating to see our peers cheer us on. Being the only senior, I haven't ever seen anything like that at SSU.

Now for the team, we had some eye opening exhibition games that sent us back to the drawing boards. We played Sac State, USF and Santa Clara. With each game, we did get better, but there was a lot of room for improvement. I guess I will just talk about the Santa Clara game since it was the last one. Last year, we lost to Santa Clara by something like 30 points. Hardly a loss that we could learn from, especially when you get blown out like that you think (as a player) you must have to did EVERYTHING wrong. That was not the case this year. The word of the night that coach Rigs started with at shoot around was COMPETE. The definition of compete according to, to compete is to for a prize, is being prepared for the task at hand, focusing on what it is you need to do to be successful, putting everything you got out on that court and feeling confident to do so because you know you have 14 other girls who feel the exact same way and willing to do the same. This word alone motivated us. For 40 minutes we competed and in doing so we left that game even though we lost by 13 (if I remember correctly) with our heads held high and as if we won. The locker room at the end of the game was filled with hoots and hollers!! "NOW that's how we need to come out LADIES!" It was that moment when I looked around and thought to myself, I wouldn't give this up for the world.

This weekend, we are up in Chico at their annual tournament. I don't know what it is about Chico, but I love this tourney and always seem to do pretty well. I was looking forward to compete (I guess you can say this is the theme of this blog haha) with my girls, getting our rooming assignments, even the long car ride on the very scenic I-5. This year we are scheduled to play Hawaii Pacific on Fri and Academy of Art on Sat. Unfortunately, this past Friday (Nov. 12), I was in a random freak accident in which I was crossing the street in San Francisco when I got struck by a speeding taxi. Luckily I have no broken bones, and at this time I am waiting for the results back from my MRI on my right knee and X-rays from my left ankle. I will know what the time constraints will be all today when I go to my doctor's appointment in the afternoon. My fingers are crossed that it isn't anything major. I can't say everything's all good, but I can't say everything's all bad. I have had my Grandma right by my side all week long while I have been recovering in my home town of San Jose and her optimistic-ism is contagious. I am truly hopeful that I will be able to finish this season on the court instead on the sidelines. One thing is for sure, either way I am grateful I am alive and you can bet your mama's old beat-up 1967 black mustang that I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE UP! =) But hey, I don't have to convince anyone, I know it already. Not only my injury, but the some girls on the team have had some also that has put a damper on our progress. It's a tough time right now, but I know this is something that will bring us closer.

I saw my team for the first time since the accident yesterday and man did I miss them. I didn't realize how much I rely on them for support and how much they rely on me, as a senior for support. Being away from them I think, was the hardest for me. With so many distractions that the team is presented with at this time, I think this will really test us on our ability to compete against all odds. Even though I am not with them now, I really felt that it was good for me to see them and to give them a peace of mind to see that I am okay and that I am smiling despite the situation. I do believe everything happens for a reason, and just how quickly something that your so used to doing (like basketball) can be taken away. All of this results in a greater appreciation of what I do have. My family, my team, my coaches, my friends, and basketball. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff (and I really thought that my breakup with my boyfriend was an end of my life moment) - I actually found this book under my sink in my bathroom when I was "taking care of business", same title and all. It was rather enlightening.

I will definitely be blogging more because I think this a good thing. It allows me to mind dump my thoughts on the team, life, and even myself. I hope you keep reading because I am going to really make an effort to start blogging once a week. As for my team, I gotta give a shout out. LET'S GO LADIES.... NOMA NOMA (WHO!) NOMA NOMA (WHAT!) I am right there with you girls and I am going to try to see if I can watch the game online. I love you guys.

Until next week. Adios!

the one and OLY!

ps... You don’t have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things – to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated.

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