Friday, August 29, 2008

Lindsay Catton from Hawaii

Women's Soccer star Lindsay Catton is doing a blog during the team's three-game road trip to Hawaii....

On Tuesday night we arrived at the airport after a long, but fun four hour plane ride. We watched movies, took pictures, and of course had a little dance party to music on channel 2 of the radio stations too keep us busy on the plane. We were so excited to get to O'ahu! We got there at like 9pm so it was dark and really didn't get to see anything, so we got food checked into our hotel and feel asleep.

The next morning I woke up at like 6am and was in complete amazement with the beautiful scenery!! Kayce Brawley, Maddy Drake and I (and of course Luke and Dave) went and got breakfast for the whole team. But of course that was an adventure. Our van was to high for the parking garage so we had to sit in the back for weight while Dave had to help look for cars so we could back out, it was really quite entertaining! After breakfast, we headed to Hawaii Pacific to have a morning training. We had a great training; all the girls felt ready to play!! We were connecting well and had a great session overall. Although we probably all I
individually sweat out 5 gallons of sweat.

We then headed straight to the beach, and let me tell you it was so beautiful!!! We all ran into the water and had a blast! After that we got food, but then straight back to the beach! Some of us went snorkeling, but we weren't so successful in finding anything! Wait actually Kayce and I found a big thing of coral with little yellow and black fish near it. I'm still looking for Nemo.

After we left the beach, 6 of us went to Costco so we could buy food for the week. That was another adventure in itself. It took us about an hour total to travel there and back, but only about 20 minutes in Costco itself because we were on a mission to get out quick to shower! Oh and I even helped the checker guy.

We got back to the hotel and took fast showers and the team went to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. It was nice and after dinner everyone kind of spilt up and walked around. That didn't last to long because we were so tired, and we have a game tomorrow. Hopefully we get fully rested and get the first counted win for the season.

Well, everyone got a great night of sleep!! We woke up and got some breakfast in us then relaxed and mentally prepared for our game. Our game was on the big island today so we had to catch a flight to get there. It was seriously the quickest flight ever!

We got to the airport and were picked up by the other teams coaches. We played at a high school field and it was so hot! It cooled off though but the combination of gnats and the heat was not a good one! We played University of Hilo and beat them 2 to 0. Getting the win of the official season felt great! As a team we started slow in the first half but then we picked it up in the second and got the win. Freshman Kiley Brown scored both goals (unassisted). I got a yellow card, it was deserved, I went to make a tackle and the girl turned so I came in from behind. Overall, it was a good game and left the team feeling confident for our next game against BYU-Hawaii on Saturday.

After the game we showered and got more pizza and went straight back to the airport! This day seemed so short and we are all so tired, but the win made it well worth it!! I'm actually typing this as we are walking off the plane.. Thank you palm centro :) well I do believe we are just going to bed to rest up for nothing but fun in the sun tomorrow!! (oh and practice too!!)

To be continued...

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