Saturday, January 8, 2011

Taylor Vigil: Job Description

It has been a while since my last blog and I apologize. A lot of thought had gone into this post, so I hope it provides the same lesson I learned from it to also help you!!

Throughout this year there has been an ongoing test of adversity. Nevertheless, getting the short end of the stick is never an excuse, but it is a repetitive factor that is hard to be foreseeable for this team.

Recently, I was told I had Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (b.p.p.v). A condition that creates a person to become dizzy, thought to be due to debris which has collected within a part of the inner ear. There can be repeated episodes of positional vertigo, that is, of a spinning sensation caused by changes in the position of the head. A person with this problem never knows when the dizzy episodes will occur or when they will go away, so it can be a matter of a waiting game when you have them.

The treatment for them are particuar head movements that make you more dizzy to try and get the "ear rocks" back into place, which amazingly enough sometimes helps these episodes. Just a week and a half ago, I had a long episode where I had to sit out of two games, about two weeks. When I went to get the treatment, the specialist noticed something wrong with my eyes. A specialist was brought in and realized the "ear rocks" could have been moved into another canal creating a more intense vertigo, called "Horizontal Vertigo." With this different type of vertigo, "ear rocks" can evolve out of place more easily and more can be released at a time causing treatment to be longer and more intense episodes. So you can imagine the frustration I felt. A condition out of my control and to be told it was one type of vertigo and now it is something new and different made everything worse.

Although I was frustrated, I did not feel discouraged for my team, but excited because I knew the faith I had in them and I knew what they were capable of doing, all they had to do was want it more than our opponents. Taking these past few weeks, they served as a flashback to high school for me in a way. While playing basketball, I was a player who could have played, but went from a practice player, to a bench warmer, to a player who could only hope to play and value the precious few minutes I actually got to play. From high school to now, not being able to play, to being able to play and on the court to on the bench I learned a few valuable lessons.

Basketball like everyday life have jobs involved. Their are the big jobs such as corporate to little jobs such as your once-a-week dumpster man. Within every job you receive and income. I would hope the job a person has is a job that makes you happy and the income you recieve by doing your job serves as a bonus making your job worthwhile and fun. And for the people who stick around a job they hate is initially, in my opinion, their own fault. Yet yes, some people may have it rough and may not be happy with the job they have, but then why sink yourself into a job you don't like and, on top of it, with a negative attitude. Life is not a realm of perfect, therefore, you might not always get the ideal job you would prefer. So in any case, why not have fun with the job you have and take pride in doing your job and as an end result maybe you'll help yourself and those around you! It would make your job worth working and in a positive way! So why not try doing your job in the positive way before soiling yourself in the negative aspect.

Just like basketball, a redshirt to a post to a wing guard and to a point guard, EVERYONE has a job. Even from the starters to the people off the bench, they ALL have a job. It should not matter how big or how little one's job is, but rather how much compassion you have for your job. Why stick around with the job you have by only going through the motions? The job you have on the team should involve your heart, your pride and your encouragment to each other. Would you respect someone doing their job for the sake of getting it done only through the motions or by a person doing their job with a sense of urgency and passion everyday? I could tell you who people would respect more.

By doing your job full heartedy, you receieve a bonus or 'income', which in this case helps those around you be successful. In order to help not just yourself, but the team, because it is in fact a TEAM, just try doing the job you have at hand with some life and desire because isn't it a game or 'job' you ultimately love? You signed up for this game or 'job' long ago because you loved being apart of it. So just because their are different types of jobs now, that doesn't mean the love or the life you once had for it go away- right??

Every job is a valuable one and when it comes to a team, how people go about their job is a big factor that matters. One day your job could or will change but don't wait for it to END to realize you wish you could go back and do the big to little jobs differently!! It is like the saying 'motivate to participate'. You could be surpised at how effective you could be just by cheering loudly, talking loudly on defense, setting a good screen or even going crazy on the bench when your teammate makes a play. Realize it is a game of mistakes, BUT it is not about how many great plays you HAVE to make as an individual but how many mistakes can you limit yourself to. Every posession is a rightous one that shall not be taken for granted.

Find the WANT in every play and every 'job'. It is not a game of perfect either, but it is the want to over have to that makes a player 'perfect'. And it is not about how many points you put up as an individual either since we aren't playing for the greatest stats, but it IS about the love of the game- that's why they call it love and basketball!!! It is about the compassion that a real team player plays with for those and with those around her that a team becomes successful.

Take the lesson of doing a job with a sense of life and playing the game with your heart for the people around you; the people who have the same common goal of being successful collectively and not individually. With that, a team can prevail. Thing's can become easier and success can become possible.

Taylor Vigil: Rigby's Christmas Carol (Twelve Days of Christmas parody)

So after our East Bay game, we went on break for Christmas, and being the holidays and everything, myself, along with my mom, felt in the Christmas spirit and decided to write a song! A song that would get everyone motivated into the Christmas spirit and a new winning stretch of the season!! So I hope you all enjoy!

"On the first day of Christmas, our coach once said to us, score, steal and rebound please?

On the second day of Christmas, our coach once said to us, know your roles and score, steal and rebound please?

On the third day of Christmas our coach once said to us, play defense, know your roles and score, steal and rebound please?

On the fourth day of Christmas our coach once said to us, transition too, play defense, know your roles and score, steal and rebound please?

On the fifth day of Christmas our coach once said to us, you--- must----- have---- heart---, transition too, play defense, know your roles and score, steal and rebound please.

On the sixth day of Christmas our coach once said to us, make the easy play, you---- must---- have---- heart----, transition too, play defense, know your roles and score, steal and rebound please?

On the seventh day of Christmas our coach once said to us, we have to want it, make the easy play, you--- must--- have--- heart----, transition too, play defense, know your roles, and score, steal and rebound please?

On the eighth day of Christmas our coach once said to us, put forth the effort, we have to want it, make the easy play, you--- must--- have--- heart---, transition too, play defense, know your roles and score, steal and rebound please?

On the ninth day of Christmas our coach once said to us, control your attitude, put forth the effort, we have to want it, make the easy play, you--- must--- have--- heart---, transition too, play defense, know your roles and score, steal and rebound please?

On the tenth day of Christmas our coach once said to us, echo the play's, control your attitude, put forth the effort, we have to want it, make the easy play, you--- must--- have--- heart---, transition too, play defense, know your roles and score, steal and rebound please?

On the eleventh day of Christmas our coach once said to us, keep your eye's up, echo the play's, control your attitude, put forth the effort, we have to want it, make the easy play, you--- must--- have--- heart---, transition too, play defense, know your roles and score, steal and rebound please?

On the twelfth day of Christmas our coach once said to us, raise the intensity, keep your eye's up, echo the play's, control your attitude, put forth the effort, we have to want it, make the easy play, you--- must--- have--- heart---, transition too, play defense, know your roles and score, steal and rebound please?"

Well, there you have it!!! Hope you liked it and sorry for the delay!!!